Architects have been at the forefront of the global metalcore scene for years. With new album The Sky, The Earth & All Between, the band seems poised to push the boundaries of their creativity even further. Sam Carter joins us today to talk about this bold new chapter in their journey.
The record feels very personal, you expose yourselves in the lyrics and in your voice. From the very first song, one can tell that you put so much work on your voice, the different nuances that you reached. So how did you manage to do that?
Sam: A lot of hard work. I’m really glad that you can hear it and it means a lot to me because I did work really hard on it. I’ve had a singing teacher for the last year and a bit, so she’s been very important and very helpful in pulling out some of these techniques and sounds. But actually working with Jordan and with Dan, Dan knows my voice probably better than I do, and Jordan is an amazing producer. So together they really helped pull the best of me out of it. I think you want it to sound believable and emotional, vulnerable, and you want people to feel it. And I think that’s the best way to connect on a record, a place of honesty. I think people can relate to that.
One of the most emotional songs is the last one called “Chandelier”. It has so many layers, lots of ambiances and different effects on the voice, on the drums, on the guitar. Did you feel quite naked to do something like this?
Sam: I felt like when we first started doing that song, it was really interesting for me because it was a slower build to get it to where it was. My brain is so like, I want it now, I want it done, I want it finished. So the first day I was like, this is slow, this isn’t what, this shouldn’t be. We were coming off the back of doing some really energetic songs, but actually once we nailed it, it was like, this is the perfect ender for the record. Because we already had “Elegy” to open the record, and then to have “Chandelier”, it felt like it was the perfect way to finish it. So then it was about getting everything else in between. But I love that song, and I feel like it’s really vulnerable, that song. And I think the vocals are so great. I really like how in the chorus it kind of drops down, rather than a lot of times in choruses you build up to a higher melody. But it’s a little bit lower than the verses, which is nice. So I think the layers of the production really make it feel like I’m right there. It’s really breathy vocals. So yeah, I love that song. I think it’s a cool way to end the record, for sure.
At the same time, when you listen to this song, you want to see you on stage doing an acoustic version of it.
Sam: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think also when you listen to it, you want to make sure that that person’s all right as well. You can feel that the person singing that song is very sad. And I think when I first showed that song to my wife, she was like, that’s a pretty heavy song. I think it’ll be one that people can relate to as well.

One of the first thing that strikes our mind when we listen to the record is this perfect match between you and Jordan. It’s a whole new way of producing. We know you’ve been friends for a long time, you grew up in the same place. How did it feel to finally make a record together?
Sam: We did “Doomsday” together, so we knew that there was a great connection there. And he came in and really helped us out actually on “Doomsday” and helped take that song to the next level. But you know how it is with bands, you know how busy everybody is. There was no way that he had time to help us when he was in Bring Me. So when the opportunity came up with him leaving Bring Me, it was a no-brainer for us because we’re similar people, very good friends, similar taste in music, but he’s just so talented. He’s such a talented guy and an amazing person. So yeah, to get to work with him, it felt like the sort of perfect moment. He had something to prove. We really had something to prove. And the outcome has been awesome. It’s nice to have somebody else in with me and Dan. Before, it was me and Dan together trying to sort of get it over the line and to have somebody else there that was as aligned and as driven as us, it was amazing.
It is a tough job to self-produce, doing the writing and producing.
Sam: But also having somebody come in from the outside and actually be able to big you up, to help you reach that next level because obviously we’re all so self-critical and all hard on ourselves. So to have someone come in and say, you’re amazing at this, this, and we need to bring this out. Yeah, amazing.
Do you feel that he pushed you to do something that you would never have done?
Sam: He pushed me a lot as a vocalist. Yeah, he was really tough at points. He knew how to get the best takes out of me. He’s such a nice guy. He fits in perfectly with us, with similar people.
What was the most difficult song to record?
Sam: “Landmines” actually was quite hard to record. I think something about the key that the song’s in, those verses, getting those verses sounding interesting down there. I think I find it easier belting and singing really loudly. But “Elegy” was a hard song to record as well, the first song off the record. It’s just so all over the place. It’s just like ADHD in a vocal performance. It’s just every single type of vocal that I can possibly do done at once. So yeah, I think “Elegy” is probably the song I’m most proud of, I think, vocally. Because it shows off everything that I’ve learned over 20 years of being a vocalist.

20 years of being a vocalist, 11 albums, it’s such a long way. But you say you still feel that you had something to prove?
Sam: Yeah, more so than ever. More so than ever. I think if you’re releasing an 11 album, it has to be good. It has to be great to get people’s attention to you. I think a lot of people probably think they know what’s coming or have a preconception about your band. So it’s important to challenge that and it’s important to make it the best it can be. We’re at a very great place in our band. We’re touring the world and doing arenas. The next jump is headlining festivals. To do that jump, it’s a big jump. Everything has to be right. The videos have to be perfect. The artwork, the songs. The way you present the thing that you’ve been working on is so key. But I think the driving factor is the energy that goes into it. The love. I feel like I put in more now at 36 than I did when I was 20. The drive is that I care about it so much more because it’s been there so long. I’m probably Architects‘s biggest fan.
Which is the best thing to be!
Sam: So it has to be great. I’m very proud of it. I’m very proud of the effort and energy that everybody’s put into it because otherwise, what’s the point?
We’ve seen you live for the past 12 years now, but the most memorable concert was the one where you were opening for Parkway Drive at La Cigale.
Sam: Yeah, it’s a good venue. I think I remember having an argument with a security guard that show. I think there was like crowd surfing or something and security weren’t catching them, I think. But yeah, I do remember that show because I think it was not long after what happened at the Bataclan as well. So it was really emotional playing a show back in Paris after that and we’d obviously played the Bataclan before. But yeah, I remember it being the first time that we’d come back and it was still relatively close to what had happened. So it was definitely on the minds of people that were in the crowd. Yeah, it was an amazing show actually, amazing show.
Because at that time it felt so essential…
Sam: …To bring the music back into our lives.
To go and see concerts.
Sam: Of course. It’s still so sad. I still think about it. It’s such an insane thing to happen. To go to a concert and to not come home. It feels so, just so insane. It’s hard to even imagine it. We lost someone that we knew. We toured with him actually. One of the people that was doing merch at that show. He’d done merch for us and he was on tour with Eagles Of Death Metal and he unfortunately lost his life at that show. Things like that just bring it right to your door. Especially when you’ve been in those backstages, you’ve been in that venue. It’s just horrible. I think the resilience of Paris, feeling that at that show was really special. I think as an outsider and someone not from Paris, you really felt the spirit of the city in that show.
Music is so important for people. It really saves lives for sure. It was very interesting to hear your lyrics and to hear all your questioning about everything that’s going on with your life. It felt like you really created a safe space with Jordan and with Dan. You were mature enough to put everything out there.
Sam: Dan is the main lyric writer. He has to write everything through a perspective of me because I’m the person that’s singing. I have to make it believable and relatable. We have very similar lives. Being in a band for 20 years, we’re experiencing the same ups and downs. We’re at a similar age. We both struggled with our mental health. We both struggled with the loss of his brother. We find ourselves at this point where being open and honest is the only way we know how to deal with it. I think once you get to this point in life, you realise that it’s futile suffering by yourself. You have to open up. I’m in therapy every week. I have been for years. The only way is to discuss it and to go through it. That’s the main thing I hope that people can take from this record. With mental health, it’s never just a fix. It’s never fixed. It’s never just like, oh, I’ve been depressed and now I’m okay. It’s an ongoing procedure, I would say, where you have to just work, not relentlessly, but put the time in. Everybody will go through it at some point in their lives. Everyone will struggle, I’m sure.
Conversation and being open with your friends, like we are with each other, is the most important thing you can do. Hopefully, that comes across in the songs. I hope people can understand that they’re not alone as well. It doesn’t matter what job you have, or what you do, or how big your band is, or where you are in life, or what you’re supposed to have. Everybody’s on their own individual journey and you don’t necessarily have to feel perfect all the time.
We can holy hope your message is conveyed. But if we get back to what you were saying about having to be perfect to take the next step and headlining festivals, can you tell us a bit abour your new music video? It is mind-blowing and you worked with the same people as Falling In Reverse, right?
Sam: Yes. “Ronald” was one of the craziest music videos I’ve ever seen. Just unbelievable. We knew we wanted to work with him. He’s such an amazing producer. The way he sees things, and his ideas. The day before, I still thought we were shooting on green screen. Then we turned up at this fucking power plant in California, just stood on top of this insane building. Terrified. I’m so scared of heights. The day before the video, he was like, is everybody okay with heights? I was like, absolutely fucking not. No way. Then we’re stood on top of this building. I was shaking during the first few takes. But it’s so worth it. Knowing what he was seeing during those takes, it’s crazy. Again, we just wanted to do the best things that we possibly could. Working with him and working with Spector on “Whiplash”, it was like, let’s give these songs the best possible chance to succeed. I think people have loved those things.
Guess the next step is taking everything live on a stage?
Sam: Yes. Unfortunately, we have to learn how to play the songs. It’s better when you’re miming them. We’ve just wrapped up a week of rehearsals. Everything’s going good. We’ve been working really hard. We work really hard as individuals, make sure that we’re all dialed in at home and come together. It’s a bit easier than it used to be. We come in, we’re playing over the top of each other. I wouldn’t say we’re pros. We’re semi-pros. But it’s sounding good. We’ll be working very hard. It’s kind of like the first tour or so. You’re figuring out where you’re breathing, where you’re running around, where you’re doing everything. You have to get there. But we’ll get there.
What are the bands that made an impression on you recently?
Sam: I love Brutus. Brutus are a band that we just took on tour in America. They’re going to be with us in March. They’re just unbelievable. There’s three of them. They’re really good friends of ours now as well. Stephanie, who plays drums and sings, she’s probably the best vocalist I’ve ever seen live. I saw them play in Brighton two years ago before I knew them. I was a fan of the record anyway. But then I went to the show. I listened to them because their album came out the same week that our album came out. They were in the charts. Well, not in the charts. Their record was in record stores that we were doing signings in. So I started listening to them from then. Then at the end of the album cycle, we were on tour with them, which is awesome. I saw them in Brighton. I was just blown away by her vocals. I’d never heard somebody with that much emotion and character be able to come through whilst playing drums.
She truly is mesmerising.
Sam: Either of those things by themselves is incredible, right? But then actually together, it blew my mind. I didn’t know them when I went home. Now knowing them, I know that they couldn’t believe that I was there. They were trying to find me. But just the most unassuming band. She’s such a fucking rock star but doesn’t know it. She’s so critical of herself. She’s like me. We have a thing that we call a singer’s club where we’re like, I’m really hard on myself, she’s hard on herself, and then we’re both just nice to each other. So we try and make each other feel more confident. But yeah, just an amazing band. I love them. The reason they’re on this tour is because just watching them perform, it gets me excited. I love House of Protection as well. I think they’re a really exciting band. Jordan worked on their album.
That’s why you decided to do a song together?
Sam: It just felt like a nice merger. We’ve known Stephen for a long time. He was in FEVER 333 with Aric who plays drums. We’ve known him since about 2011. We’ve been friends with him. I always think with guest vocals and records, it solidifies your friendship forever. You’re like, even after I’m dead and gone, that will be there. Every record that I’ve sang on, it solidifies that friendship. Someone will buy that record one day and be like, they must have been buds.
The song “Brain Dead” with House Of Protection, the drum part is just incredible. It’s technical and it really catches the ear.
Sam: It’s cool, isn’t it? It’s really fun. I love how that song came out. When we finished it, it was like, this will be perfect for House. We created parts of it together because Jordan works with both of us. When we finished up our bit, we sent it over to them and they brought their own flavour to everything and took it up to the next level.
Which is interesting because you created something and then you see it grow.
Sam: Yeah, it’s cool to see it go to the next level. Amira was the same. Amira, who sings on “Judgement Day”. We had “Judgement Day” in a good place but then sent it over to her with a bit of creative freedom to write her own style. She’s just got such an incredible voice.
We don’t really know her but she’s going to be at Hellfest and we’re going to check her out thanks to you.
Sam: Really like a new artist. Zach, who makes the record, writes with her and works with her. So Jordan brought the idea of working with her to us and we were like, who the fuck is this? And then me and Dan were driving back from a festival in the bus and then we both listened to it at the same time and we were both like, this is really fucking good. I’ll message her now. And she just straight away was totally interested. Her delivery is amazing. She put so much emotion into her takes that again, it brought that song to life.
We like when you are both singing at the same time.
Sam: Yeah, it’s cool, isn’t it? It’s nice to have the male and female. I really liked it. That pre-chorus is great. Hopefully we get to actually play that song live at some point with her as well. That’d be awesome.

You’re going to be quite busy in the coming months, you’re going to play with Linkin Park as well. You’ve quite vocal and supportive of Emily.
Sam: I think she’s amazing. I think she’s an unbelievable vocalist. Anybody that has anything to say about her needs to fuck off. Because I’m a vocalist. And I’m a Linkin Park fan. So I feel like I’m the one that I can say my piece, right, I feel, of 20 years touring experience and also being the kid that had a Linkin Park sticker on his school planner, I’m able to say. But just staggering. Like an amazing vocalist. Her performance when they came back, they did the livestream. I watched that livestream and I was like stunned. But also from a point of view of not just her voice but the pressure that she was under.
Like the pressure that I feel playing shows can sometimes make me not sing very well. Like I feel that anxiety and my throat chokes up and I get tight and my voice goes wobbly and it’s like terrifying, right? For her to do that when the whole world is watching in one of the biggest rock bands of our generation, to come out with that vocal performance, this is so fucking impressive. I love the record. I love her tone of voice. And I think really what it boils down to, especially being in a band that has gone through loss and losing a member through them passing away, as long as they’re happy, who gives a shit? Really? I think the whole way through it, would I give a fuck what anyone said about us carrying on without Tom? We’re doing it because we want to do it and Dan wants to do it.
So with them, as long as they’re happy, as long as Mike‘s happy and the rest of the guys are happy and creating music, that’s exactly what they should be doing. That’s all they’ve known for their lives. And I think we’re so lucky, this generation of musicians, to have had that to be inspired by, to have had those albums because if it wasn’t for Chester‘s vocal style, I wouldn’t be doing it. Oli wouldn’t be doing it in Bring Me. Bad Omens wouldn’t exist. All these bands that are coming up that are these people’s favorite bands now, it’s all inspired by that. That was a really important part of this genre of music. So to play shows with them is just amazing for me. I love them and I’m going to be fanboying, trying to keep it cool.
It’s a kind of challenge for you to be playing with Metallica or Linkin Park, cause they attract lots of people from broaden music genra.
Sam: Metallica was really good actually and their fans were really receptive. I think once they realized how big a moment it was for us and how much we love Metallica as well, I think they were like, okay, cool, we’ll get behind this. I think Linkin Park, maybe we have more crossover. I think if you like Linkin Park, there’s definitely elements of our band that you can like. So I think I’ll be trying to play on that. I think in those situations, you can’t go in expecting a reaction. You just have to go and be good. I always liken it to like a YouTube advert. Someone’s going to watch the video that they want to watch and you’re there first and they can’t skip you. So you have to just be really good. You have to be like, you have to make them want to go and skip and then go, oh no, this is good. So we’ll try our hardest.
So what’s going on with your home country? Because you have Bring Me, Architects, While She Sleeps. Is there something special in the water?
Sam: Yeah, England‘s doing pretty good at the moment for music. Sleep Token as well. There’s not much else to do. England‘s not the greatest place in the world. I think we are a nation that loves music and I think we’re a nation that loves rock and roll from The Beatles to Oasis, Zeppelin. It’s in our blood, really. And I think we’re very much like, we think it’s ours. We’ve got The Beatles and The Stones and I think we’re sort of brought up with families that always have that sort of music on. So you kind of take it on board and it’s in your blood. Us and Bring Me have been going for a long time and Sleep‘s happened as well. So we’ve kind of grown up together and got bigger together. But there definitely was an amazing scene at the start. I think it’s probably still there. It’s just we don’t see it as much nowadays. So I don’t want to say, oh, there’s no scene like there used to be. I’m sure there is. But when we were kids, us and Bring Me would tour so much. Enter Shikari, we’d do so much. Sleep’s, we’d tour for weeks just in the UK. You could drive for seven hours and go from one end to the other. It’s a small place. It’s like how you do a six-week tour. But yeah, there’s definitely something there. We do seem to champion our own at the festivals. We really get behind them. We’re lucky to be in it.
So our time is up. To finish: our media is called RockUrLife, so what’s rock your life, Sam?
Sam: What rocks my life? My dogs. They’re my favourite things in the world. My two dogs, they’re amazing. They’re both from Romania. They’re two rescue dogs. My life at home is basically just revolves around them, really. Them and my wife. I think my wife would say the same. My wife would say that the dogs come over me. Yeah, they’re wrapped around our fingers. They’re so are. I love dogs so much. They give so much. Yeah, I love to just try and give back to dogs and rescue dogs. And give my time to charities that do stuff with them as much as I can.

Website: architectsofficial.com