Interviews anglaisTYLER BRYANT AND THE SHAKEDOWN (2017)Chante Basma8 mai 20183 février 2019TBSD are conquering the world right now with their new album. We got the chance to meet Tyler and Caleb...
Interviews anglaisSHINEDOWN (07/03/18)Marine Yoro6 mai 20183 février 2019This Friday, May 4th, Shinedown is releasing "ATTENTION ATTENTION". For this great opportunity, we met the charismatic leader of the...
Interviews anglaisDIMMU BORGIR (07/03/18)Marine Yoro3 mai 20183 février 2019After eight years of silence, Dimmu Borgir will release "Eonian" on May 4th via Nuclear Blast. For this occasion, RockUrLife...
Interviews anglaisBLACK STONE CHERRY (06/03/18)Chante Basma1 mai 20183 février 2019We got the privilege to meet and chat with Ben and John Fred from Black Stone Cherry, discuss about their...
Interviews anglaisA PERFECT CIRCLE (03/03/18)Nathan Le Solliec26 avril 20183 février 201914 years after the release of "eMOTIVe", A Perfect Circle is back with a surprising new record "Eat The Elephant"....
Interviews anglais5 SECONDS OF SUMMER (04/04/18)Cléa Jouanneau25 avril 20183 février 2019After going MIA for months to work on their new record, 5 Seconds of summer are back. A few hours...
Interviews anglaisTHE DAMNED (09/03/18)Nico Praz13 avril 20183 février 2019It's in a fancy parisian hotel that we've met the leader of The Damned, Dave Vanian, to speak about their...
Interviews anglaisBLACK LABEL SOCIETY (08/03/18)Chante Basma7 avril 20183 février 2019While Zakk was concerned about the first show of the Euro tour, gear-related, we had the honor to have a...
Interviews anglaisCAGE THE ELEPHANT (24/10/17)Léa Berguig29 mars 20183 février 2019In the middle of a very busy week in the capital city for Cage The Elephant, RockUrLife has met up...
Interviews anglaisHOGJAW (14/11/17)Chante Basma25 mars 20183 février 2019With the band signing with Snakefarm Records and the release of the physical format in stores, we got the chance...