Interviews anglaisNICKELBACK (22/05/17)Chante Basma29 juin 20173 février 2019A few weeks before the release of their brand new record, Nickelback was in Paris for some promo and we...
Interviews anglaisCIGARETTES AFTER SEX (04/05/17)Nathan Le Solliec8 juin 20173 février 2019A month before their first album's release, we had the chance to met Greg Gonzales, leader of Cigarettes After Sex....
Interviews anglaisSEETHER (30/03/17)Kilien Messai26 mai 20173 février 2019Few weeks before the release of Seether's new album "Poison The Parish", RockUrLife met Shaun Morgan, the singer of the...
Interviews anglaisIMAGINE DRAGONS (13/03/17)Kilien Messai16 mai 20173 février 2019Few months before the released of new album "Evolve" (the name was secret at the time of this interview), RockUrLife...
Interviews anglaisCREEPER (Blind Test) (14/04/17)Nathan Le Solliec9 mai 20173 février 2019We had the chance to have two interviews with Creeper in a few months. So we decide to spice up...
Interviews anglaisCOUNTERFEIT (15/03/17)Cléa Jouanneau2 mai 20173 février 2019Since dealing with two successful careers in cinema and modeling wasn't enough, Jamie Campbell Bower set himself a new challenge:...
Interviews anglaisBLEEKER (24/03/17)Céline Brégand13 avril 20173 février 2019Just before Bleeker's first show in Paris, we met Mike Van Dyk, the band's friendly bass player, at Les Etoiles....
Interviews anglaisROYAL THUNDER (22/02/17)Chante Basma10 avril 20173 février 2019Royal Thunder is back with a brand new record! We got to ask Mlny and Josh a few questions about...
Interviews anglaisHIGHLY SUSPECT (24/02/17)Cléa Jouanneau5 avril 20173 février 2019The day before Highly Suspect's first ever show in Paris and one week after the French release of their second...
Interviews anglaisDIZZY MIZZ LIZZY (24/11/16)Chante Basma28 mars 20173 février 2019It's been twenty long years since their latest record. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy is finally back with a brand new record...