Interviews anglaisRED SUN RISING (04/11/16)Leslie Anna12 janvier 20173 février 2019For their first time France, RockUrLife interviewed Mike Protich and Dave McGarry from the American band Red Sun Rising. On...
Interviews anglaisSLAVES (03/10/16)Leslie Anna4 janvier 20173 février 2019In 2016, punk is not dead. Proof of this is Slaves' success. The band was visiting the French capital for...
Interviews anglaisPIERCE THE VEIL (29/10/16)Chloé Neves18 décembre 20163 février 2019Pierce the Veil's European tour with Creeper and Letlive kicked off a month ago. Before the gig in Paris, RockUrLife...
Interviews anglaisCAELESTIS (29/11/16)Aurélien Di Sanzo6 décembre 20163 février 2019As part of their mini EP release, Caelestis had a chat with us, opening the doors of their blue kingdom,...
Interviews anglaisZAKK WYLDE (26/05/16)Chante Basma6 décembre 20163 février 2019A few hours before meeting the Paris Chapter, we had the huge privilege to meet and tchat with Mr. Zakk...
Interviews anglaisPOP EVIL (21/10/16)Leslie Anna22 novembre 20163 février 2019We met Leigh Kakaty, singer of the American band Pop Evil, to talk about their new recruit Hayley Cramer. A rich...
Interviews anglaisTWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB (16/09/16)Céline Brégand14 octobre 20163 février 2019Whereas the third album "Gameshow" is about to be released on October 14th, we met the three Irish boys of...
Interviews anglaisALCEST (22/09/16)Aurélien Di Sanzo2 octobre 20163 février 2019The shinny rock from "Shelter" is over, Alcest packs up and moves to the land of the Rising Sun with...
Interviews anglaisBIG JESUS (02/09/16)Chante Basma2 octobre 20163 février 2019Big Jesus is about to release a new record and we had the chance to chat with CJ and Thomas...
Interviews anglaisGOD ALONE (05/09/16)Nathan Le Solliec2 octobre 20163 février 2019Mike and Kyle, from The Devil Wears Prada, have founded God Alone three years ago now. Their first EP "Low...