Interviews anglaisHATEBREED (19/04/16)Leslie Anna18 mai 20163 février 2019Among the output of their new album "The concrete Confessional", Rock Ur Life had the pleasure to do a Skype...
Interviews anglaisAGAINST THE CURRENT (01/03/16)Valentin Guérin13 mai 20163 février 2019Few hours before their Parisian show at Le Trabendo, RockUrLife spoke with the 3 Against The Current's members about their...
Interviews anglaisTYLER BRYANT AND THE SHAKEDOWN (04/05/16)Leslie Anna13 mai 20163 février 2019For their first french trip, RockUrLife had the pleasure to meet and interview Tyler Bryant and Graham Whitford, respectively singer...
Interviews anglaisLACUNA COIL (08/04/16)Leslie Anna10 mai 20163 février 2019Severals days before the release of the new album "Delirium", RockUrLife met Andrea Ferro, singer of Italian metal band Lacuna...
Interviews anglaisAVATAR (04/04/16)Leslie Anna26 avril 20163 février 2019For the release of the new album "Feathers & Flesh", available 13th May 2016, we've met John Alfredsson, Avatar's drummer, in...
Interviews anglaisTHE ONE HUNDRED (14/03/16)Aurélie Renault26 avril 20163 février 2019A few minutes before their first ever gig in Paris, with Crossfaith, RockUrLife had the chance to meet Tim Hider...
Interviews anglaisENTER SHIKARI (15/03/16)Kelly Le Guen22 avril 20163 février 2019Just before their show in Paris, RockUrLife met Rou and Batty C from Enter Shikari. We discussed tour, censorship, economics,...
Interviews anglaisPVRIS (12/04/16)Leslie Anna21 avril 20163 février 2019One year after their first french show, PVRIS came back in the capital. RockUrLife have met them for their Deluxe...
Interviews anglaisTHE 1975 (31/03/16)Valentin Guérin15 avril 20163 février 2019Few hours before showtime, RockUrLife spoke with Matthew Healy about the new The 1975 album and life overall. Hi Matthew,...
Interviews anglaisHERMITAGE GREEN (08/04/16)Manuella Binet14 avril 20163 février 2019We met Dan Murphy and Darragh Griffin from Hermitage Green before their show at the Cork Opera House on the...