Interviews anglaisSIMO (03/04/16)Leslie Anna7 avril 20163 février 2019Before opening for Monster Truck at La Maroquinerie, singer and guitarist JD Simo took a moment to talk about the new...
Interviews anglaisBLACK STONE CHERRY (10/02/16)Chante Basma31 mars 20163 février 2019A fully deserved night after their great Parisian show, Black Stone Cherry gave us a few details about their upcoming...
Interviews anglaisCAGE THE ELEPHANT (22/02/16)Léa Berguig22 mars 20163 février 2019A few hours before a remarkable show at Le Trabendo, RockUrLife has the opportunity to sit down with Matt Shultz,...
Interviews anglais3 DOORS DOWN (08/03/16)Anthony Bé15 mars 20163 février 2019Three days before the release of the new album, RockUrLife had the opportunity to meet lead singer Brad Arnold during...
Interviews anglaisKILLSWITCH ENGAGE (18/01/16)Aurélie Renault11 mars 20163 février 2019A few months before the release of the new album "Incarnate", we had the chance to meet Jesse Leach, the...
Interviews anglaisROAM (08/02/16)Valentin Guérin23 février 20163 février 2019Few hours before their first headliner in Paris, french website RockUrLife got the chance to meet ROAM, minus Charlie Pearson....
Interviews anglaisMONSTER TRUCK (02/12/15)Chante Basma19 février 20163 février 2019Don't fuck with the truck! Hello Jeremy how are you? Jeremy Widerman (guitar): I’m great I’m happy to be here....
Interviews anglaisAIDAN KNIGHT (27/01/16)Céline Brégand11 février 20163 février 2019Less than one week after the release of "Each Other", Aidan Knight’s third studio album, and a few weeks before...
Interviews anglaisSKUNK ANANSIE (07/12/15)Kelly Le Guen8 février 20163 février 2019Just before the release of "Anarchytecture", Skunk Anansie came to Paris to discuss the album’s making. Here’s our interview with...
Interviews anglaisDREAM THEATER (04/12/15)Chante Basma27 janvier 20163 février 2019Still a few days before the release of Dream Theater's "The Astonishing". Jordan Rudess says us more about this huge...