Interviews anglaisONE OK ROCK (21/12/15)Aurélie Renault8 janvier 20163 février 2019A few hours before their comeback in Paris, RockUrLife had the chance to meet Taka, One Ok Rock's lead singer,...
Interviews anglaisBEARTOOTH (01/11/15)Nathan Le Solliec4 janvier 20163 février 2019Beartooth is back in Paris just before the beginning of the European tour with Bring Me The Horizon and PVRIS....
Interviews anglaisHEYMOONSHAKER (15/10/15)Kelly Le Guen12 décembre 20153 février 2019They are the first ever beatbox blues band. English duet Heymoonshaker talked with us the day before their amazing performance...
Interviews anglaisTHE VACCINES (27/06/15)Kelly Le Guen10 novembre 20153 février 2019They came in Paris for a show at La Cigale two weeks ago. RockUrLife met Freddie Cowan (guitar) et Pete...
Interviews anglaisPAPA ROACH (06/03/15)Léa Berguig19 octobre 20153 février 2019Five months after our last meet up, it is during their new travel to the capital city, a couple of...
Interviews anglaisGRAVE PLEASURES (03/10/15)Aurélien Di Sanzo15 octobre 20153 février 2019Line up change, new name and brand new album "Dreamcrash": it's more than obvious that Grave Pleasures is now reborn...
Interviews anglaisLIFEHOUSE (25/09/15)Anthony Bé1 octobre 20153 février 2019When RockUrLife got offered the opportunity to do an interview with Lifehouse, we couldn’t refuse, especially knowing we’d be the...
Interviews anglaisBRING ME THE HORIZON (03/09/15)Nathan Le Solliec30 septembre 20153 février 2019A week before the release of "That's The Spirit", we had the chance to talk with Jordan Fish, the new...
Interviews anglaisTRIVIUM (24/08/15)Aurélien Di Sanzo26 septembre 20153 février 2019Back from a nice summer festivals tour, Matt Heafy (vocals/guitar) and Corey Beaulieu (guitar/vocals) from Trivium ended their trip in...
Interviews anglaisMEW (22/05/15)Nathan Le Solliec9 septembre 20153 février 2019Six years after their last record and their last show in Paris, Mew are back with the beautiful "+-". We...