Interviews anglaisARCHITECTS (16/04/14)Léa Berguig21 mai 20143 février 2019A few hours before Architects' last show of their EU/UK tour, accompanied by Stray From The Path and Northlane, RockUrLife's...
Interviews anglaisAVATAR (19/03/14)Chante Basma19 mai 20143 février 2019"Hail The Apocalypse" Avatar's brand new album is already out. Johanness and John gaves us some details here about it....
Interviews anglaisEPICA (20/03/14)Chante Basma9 mai 20143 février 2019With their sixth and new record "The Quantum Enigma", Epica wants to reach a brand new level in their career. Coen...
Interviews anglaisEDGUY (20/03/14)Chante Basma16 avril 20143 février 2019Edguy's 10th album is on its way and Jens Ludwig and Tobias Sammet explained RUL a few things about it....
Interviews anglaisTRIPTYKON (10/03/14)Chante Basma11 avril 20143 février 2019Before the release of Triptykon's new album "Melana Chasmata" to be released on April 14th, RUL got the chance to...
Interviews anglaisSTEEL PANTHER (30/01/14)Chante Basma26 mars 20143 février 2019RockUrLife met the mighty Steel Panther, several months before the release of the third record, "All You Can Eat". Satchel...
Interviews anglaisCALIBAN (20/02/14)Chante Basma22 mars 20143 février 2019Caliban's new record "Ghost Empire" came out in January and RockUrLife spoke with Marc Görtz about it.Hello how are you?Marc...
Interviews anglaisAUDREY HORNE (14/03/2014)Chante Basma17 mars 20143 février 2019A weekend before the beginning of their tour with Grand Magus, Audrey Horne's frontman, Toschie, gave RockUrLife a quick feedback!...
Interviews anglaisA WILHELM SCREAM (21/02/14)Timothy Bickford7 mars 20143 février 2019A Wilhelm Scream are back on tour and few days before their show in Paris, Trevor answered to our questions!First...
Interviews anglaisTRUCKFIGHTERS (20/01/14)Pete C28 février 20143 février 2019A short while ago, RockUrLife was invited to meet up with the Swedish guys from Truckfighters. A stoner rock band...