Interviews anglaisSIMPLE MINDS (11/10/22)Laura Navarre27 octobre 202227 octobre 2022Intimate meeting with Jim Kerr, leader of Simple Minds about new album Direction Of The Heart. Your new record Direction...
Interviews anglaisDROPKICK MURPHYS (07/09/22)Marion Dupont26 septembre 202226 septembre 2022Dropkick Murphys brings back Woody Guthrie to this world by giving a new voice to his words. With new album...
Interviews anglaisMARCUS KING (09/07/22)Chante Basma23 août 202223 août 2022Marcus King returns with a brand new studio album after facing breakup and substance abuse. The King is back! Hi...
Interviews anglaisPARASITE INC. (25/07/22)Chante Basma18 août 202218 août 2022The German band is about to release its new record on August 19th. You might want to check them out!...
Interviews anglaisARCH ENEMY (01/06/22)Chante Basma9 août 20229 août 2022Arch Enemy returns! Time has come to discuss their new record Deceivers (2022) with Michael Amott and Alissa White-Gluz. So...
Interviews anglaisTHE FAIM (07/06/22)Corentin Vilsalmon2 août 20222 août 2022A few hours before stepping on the stage of the Trabendo for their parisian gig, singer Josh Raven and drummer...
Interviews anglaisSHINEDOWN (17/06/22)Marion Dupont7 juillet 20227 juillet 2022Shinedown rocked the MainStage at Hellfest. The perfect occasion for RockUrLife to sit down with Brent Smith and discuss the...
Interviews anglaisPORCUPINE TREE (10/05/22)Gabrielle de Saint Leger28 juin 202228 juin 20222022 is the year of Porcupine Tree's big comeback on stage and on the turntables. Now a trio, the English...
Interviews anglaisDEAF HAVANA (13/05/22)Laura Navarre13 juin 202214 juin 2022Heart-to-heart conversation with the Veck-Gilodi's brothers James and Matthew from Deaf Havana about new album The Present is A Foreign...
Interviews anglaisDEF LEPPARD (27/04/22)Marion Dupont27 mai 202227 mai 2022Joe Elliott, frontman and singer from Def Leppard, spent some time in Paris to promote new album Diamond Star Halos....