Interviews anglaisCHARLIE WINSTON (24/06/12)Anthony Bé8 juillet 20123 février 2019Few hours before his show, the first at Solidays on Sunday June 24, the british "hobo" did a serie of...
Interviews anglaisDEVILDRIVER (17/06/12)Chante Basma3 juillet 20123 février 2019We got the opportunity to chat with drummer John Boecklin from DevilDriver leaded by famous Dez Fafara at Hellfest 2012,...
Interviews anglaisSKUNK ANANSIE (19/06/12)Timothy Bickford30 juin 20123 février 2019Skunk Anansie doesn’t need to be introduced anymore. Skin and Ace were back in Paris to promote their new album...
Interviews anglaisHALCYON WAY (22/05/12)Chante Basma27 mai 20123 février 2019Opening for Delain, on their last european tour, Halcyon Way isn't yet known in Europe. Combining multiple influences such as...
Interviews anglaisWE ARE THE IN CROWD (12/04/12)Timothy Bickford21 avril 20123 février 2019We Are The In Crowd are one of those really promising pop punk bands and they’re playing in Paris tonight....
Interviews anglaisRIVAL SONS (11/04/12)Pete C20 avril 20123 février 2019Wednesday 11st April, we rush to a Parisian venue called La Flèche d’Or for the last gig of the Rival...
Interviews anglaisANGELS & AIRWAVES (07/04/12)Timothy Bickford19 avril 20123 février 2019RockYourLife! had the opportunity to meet Angels & Airwaves few minutes before their show at Le Bataclan. Towards backstage where...
Interviews anglaisTHE SOUNDS (06/02/12)Alexandre Cadène7 février 20123 février 2019While they're about to perform in Paris at La Maroquinerie for an explosive headline show, singer Maja Ivarsson and drummer...
Interviews anglaisKIDS IN GLASS HOUSES (29/11/11)Florine9 décembre 20113 février 2019Kids In Glass Houses was one of the band invited to play on the barge Le Petit Bain’s stage for...
Interviews anglaisTHE RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS (29/11/11)Anthony Bé3 décembre 20113 février 2019A few hours before their show with Hawthorne Heights, Ronnie invits us in La Boule Noire’s dressing room. We’ll quickly...