Interviews anglaisTHUNDER (05/04/22)Chante Basma23 mai 202223 mai 2022Born in lockdown, released after lockdown. Thunder returns with a brand new record and we discussed about Dopamine with Luke...
Interviews anglaisCAGE FIGHT (29/03/22)Corentin Vilsalmon10 mai 202210 mai 2022James Monteith (TesseracT) and Rachel Aspe (ex-Eths) from the new hardcore band Cage Fight were in Paris to promote their...
Interviews anglaisGHOST (07/04/22)Laura Navarre11 avril 202211 avril 2022A few days before Ghost's highly anticipated concert at the Accor Arena on April 18th, Tobias Forge gave us an...
Interviews anglaisPAPA ROACH (08/04/22)Marion Dupont9 avril 20229 avril 2022Papa Roach just released its 11th studio album Ego Trip. The perfect occasion to chat with the band's guitarist and...
Interviews anglaisSTEREOPHONICS (17/02/22)Marion Dupont6 mars 20226 mars 2022Kelly Jones, leader from Stereophonics, was in Paris to discuss new album Oochya!. A great opportunity to go over the...
Interviews anglaisAYRON JONES (25/11/21)Marion Dupont21 février 202221 février 2022Ayron Jones was in Paris for his first gig in the City Of Lights and RockUrLife was there to go...
Interviews anglaisKORN (25/01/22)Marion Dupont2 février 20222 février 2022Korn is back with new album Requiem. RockUrLife got the chance to talk to guitarist Brian "Head" Welch to discuss...
Interviews anglaisTHE OFFSPRING (15/11/21)Marion Dupont6 décembre 20216 décembre 2021The Offspring was in Paris to record the TV Show Taratata. It was the perfect opportunity to sit down with...
Interviews anglaisEVERY TIME I DIE (01/12/21)Nathan Le Solliec2 décembre 20213 décembre 2021Five long years passed between Low Teens (2016) and Radical, the new album by Every Time I Die. Written and...
Interviews anglaisBULLET FOR MY VALENTINE (30/09/21)Kilien Messai2 décembre 20213 décembre 2021A few weeks before the release of Bullet For My Valentine's new self titled album, RockUrLife was able to talk...